transfer_vn Documentation

User Guide

Initial setup

Initialize the sample YAML file in your HOME directory and edit with your local details. The YAML file is self documented:

transfer_vn --init .evn_your_site.yaml
editor $HOME/.evn_your_site.yaml

Create the database and tables:

transfer_vn --db_create --json_tables_create --col_tables_create .evn_your_site.yaml

Running the application

After editing YAML configuration file, you should proceed in 3 stages:

  1. Transfer of all historical data transfer_vn --full. Note: the probability of a blocking error during this large transfer is not negligible. In this case, it is possible to resume the complete download by limiting the taxonomic groups and/or the start and end dates.

  2. Schedule update tasks, based on recurrences defined in the YAML configuration file: transfer_vn --schedule

  3. Regular incremental update, for example in an hourly crontab: transfer_vn --update

Transfers overwrite data already downloaded. It is therefore not a problem to restart transfer_vn --full on part of the database.

Beware that, depending on the volume of observations, this can take several hours. We recommend starting with a small taxonomic group first:

transfer_vn --full .evn_your_site.yaml

After this full download, data can be updated. For observations, only new, modified or deleted observations are downloaded. For other controlers, a full download is always performed. Each controler runs on its own schedule, defined in the YAML configuration file. This step needs to be performed after each --full execution or YAML file modification. To create or update, after modifying the configuration file, the schedule:

transfer_vn --schedule .evn_your_site.yaml

Once this is done, you can update the database with new observations:

transfer_vn --update .evn_your_site.yaml

This can be done by cron, every hour for example. At each run, all scheduled tasks are performed. Note: you must wait until the first scheduled task has expired for a transfer to be carried out. With the default schedule, you must therefore wait for the next round hour --schedule. It must run at least once a week. The virtual environment must be activated in the cron job, for example:

0 * * * * echo 'source client_api_vn/env_VN/bin/activate;cd client_api_vn/;transfer_vn --update .evn_your_site.yaml --verbose'| /bin/bash > /dev/null

Command-line options - transfer_vn

The application runs as:

transfer_vn options config


options  command line options described below
config   YAML file, located in $HOME directory, described in sample file
-h, --help

Prints help and exits


Print version number


Increase output verbosity


Reduce output verbosity


Initialize the YAML configuration file


Delete if exists database and roles


Create database and roles


Create or recreate JSON tables in import schema


Create or recreate colums based tables


Migrates the JSON import schema to latest version


Perform a full download


Perform an incremental download


Create or update the incremental update schedule


Print downloading status (schedule, errors…)


Count observations by site and taxo_group


Gather and print profiling times